
Russian and Brazilian emeralds

Brazilian and Russian Emerald Gemstones | Jewelfields

Russian Emeralds

Also known as Siberian emeralds, they come usually in a lighter color with a yellowish or golden tint, giving them a pastel green color most of the time, but color saturation remains top notch. The transparency and clarity of Russian emeralds are high-end with great brilliance (luster). The superior high-quality emeralds mined in the Russia region are of vivid green even color with big sizes. Some of the best specimens of emeralds on earth have also been found in Russian province.

Russia produces around 2% of total worldwide emerald production, with color shades remaining generally lighter. Few Colombian mines resemble in produce with Russian mined emeralds in quality and characteristics; even some high-quality emeralds from Russia are very rich in appearance as of high-quality Colombian emeralds, but they were never exaggerated and marketed as a superlative-quality gemstone. 

Russian Emerald Price

As most rough extracted here is of light color, which is often green beryl and not an emerald but are bright in appearance. The very light finished Russian origin emeralds with prominent inclusions start at $5-$20/carat, but if Russian emeralds catch deeper color with saturation in clarity and have shine & luster in big size, then those will be rare and high priced gemstones and can sell over $1000-$3000/ct.

Russian emerald rough mining

The mines are scattered across the country from the west of the country to the south; some major mining areas include those of

  • Malysheva or Ural emerald mines in the region of Ekaterinburg near Ural mountain range; the old name of these mines was Mariinskoje mines, and the first discovery of emerald is known in the year 1830. The emerald mined here are also called Siberian emeralds, as Siberia before was a part of Russia's Ural region. Worlds best quality strong emerald gemstones that have been resourced here between the 19th and 20th centuries may be better than those of Muzo mines in Colombia, but unfortunately they were never popularized as Colombian emeralds and were traded in the name of Colombian emeralds to get more buyers, thus rates for them for them hiding the fame and name Russian emeralds have deserved.

  • The other mines include those of the regions of Mariinskoje, Lubinsky, Chinty, Troitzky, and Ostrowsky.

  • Also, Stretiensky and Krasnobolotsky produce emerald rough and are operational till date.

Certified natural Russian-origin emerald gemstones for sale

Jewelfields is an authentic dealer of cut and polished Russian emeralds in B2B wholesale price.

We provide resourcing of Russian emerald rough as well as faceted loose emerald stones in all shapes and cuts, including pairs, layouts, beads, calibrated lots, and free-size parcels at the lowest business prices.

Certified loose Russian emerald stone parcels at best rates

Buy online from our inventory of certified faceted real emeralds for jewelry at affordable wholesale rates in big sizes.

Calibrated size parcels for jewelry use. All cuts and shapes available, like octagon step cut, oval step cut, cushion cut in free size and layouts.

Brazil Origin Emeralds

These are slowly stimulating up their position in the demand from global markets due to their superior purity in color. From the past 50 years, Brazil has been a consistent producer of natural emerald gemstones. Emeralds from Brazil were considered of subdued quality, but then perception changed, and now top-quality, clean clarity, and vivid green-colored emeralds with transparency and great luster/brilliance are also getting mined in the Itabira-Nova Era belt of Minas Gerais, and they fetch a huge price per carat in the market.

Brazil Emerald Price

Brazil emeralds are usually heavily included, semitransparent, and finished. Brazil emerald rates start at $10/ct, and top transparent gems will be USD 500-800 per carat. As with other gems, the color saturation with intensity and clarity determines the quality of a Brazilian emerald.

The color in emeralds is due to the presence of chromium and vandium. The Brazil-origin emeralds have much vandium present in them, and because of this, emeralds from Brazil have more deep green colors.

Clarity: these emeralds are barely found without heavy inclusions, so a transparent emerald with fewer inclusions is considered superior.

Luster/brilliance of these stones is many times not at par, but rough crystal coming from newly discovered pits is in appropriate spark and transparency and getting more acceptance in jewelry making; thus, more new demands are getting them a good price.

Cut: a skilled cut brings out the maximum beauty of the stone in terms of the 3 C's, which are planning of rough about size, shape, and sides of the table and pavilion are decided, then comes the cutting, faceting, and polishing, which brings out the true value of the emerald manufactured from a rough crystal.

Due to the saturated deep color in emeralds of new Brazilian mines, it is acclerating in popularity and price towards the highly valued ones of Zambian or Swat origin.

Brazilian Emerald Rough Mining

The Belmont mines produce almost 40% of the total produce in Brazil and the Itabira-NNova Era belt. Capoeirana and Montebello are other major mines producing emeralds. Sakota is a region near these mines that produce deep green emeralds, which are mostly imported by manufacturers in India. The color of Sakota emeralds is pure green, but transparency is not there; they are usually semi-transparent to opaque.

Buyers were more inclined to value emeralds on the basis of origin, but now they are becoming more educated about quality and are shifting to paying a premium on the quality of the gem rather than just the origin. Also, buyers are now considering other shapes like oval and pear cut instead of just traditional emerald or octagon step cut.

Brazilian emerald gemstone rough and cut stones for sale at wholesale price

Shop Certified Loose Brazil Origin Emerald Jewels—Loose Brazilin Emerald's inventory

Jewelfields is a trusted seller of natural loose quality emeralds at the lowest and best business-to-business rates, so check our inventory today for the best untreated Brazilian emerald gemstone parcel deals. Buy online with trust and confidence: certified finished faceted IGI GIA GRS Swiss Lab-certified emerald gemstones for sale.