Home / Shop / Emerald Pairs

3.67ct medium green pear cut emerald pair


3.02ct golden green pear shape emerald gemstone pair


5.18ct medium green pear cut natural emerald gemstone pair


3.05ct emerald gemstone pear cut pair


97ct medium green pear shape emerald layout parcel


3.55ct vivid green oval mix cut emerald pair

Emerald Pairs

Emerald Pairs and layout parcels by Jewelfields

Natural certified emerald matching pairs for earrings and studs in all shapes and cuts like octagon or emerald cut, pear shape, oval, marquis, cushion, round step and diamond cut, etc. On orders we custom manufacture emerald cabochons or sugarloaf and emerald carving matching pairs.

We work in emerald layouts for bracelets, necklace, pendents, rings and other jewellery. All stones will be natural emeralds as shown. Perfect and approximately matching stone layout parcels in all shapes as baguettes or tapered baguettes, princess (square cut), marquis shape, pear shape, emerald cuts, etc. Carvings for necklace and arranged designs with ascending stone sizes. Pairs for earrings and other jewellery like a ring or pendent set available at business prices.

Natural calibrated emerald lots and pairs for jewellers

Jewellers can place orders for their custom requirements in jewellery for polished emeralds and other precious gemstones including rubies, sapphires and diamonds.

We have calibrated gemstone lots and matching pairs at the most reasonable price. Also we source these mm sizes emerald parcels on your orders as per the quality, size, shape and colour you require. The most demanded emerald lots in calibrated sizes are of round shape brilliant cut and princess cut. These 2 shapes are most of the times available in our inventory.


Best place to buy emerald gemstone

Jewelfields is a top online B2B cut and polished emerald gemstone seller from Jaipur India. We sell natural earth mined gems only and select better quality stones on basis that even if they are included, the inclusions won't affect the appearance much. All emerald stones we sell are selected with proper cutting, no open cracks and unwanted inclusions, which makes the emerald ugly and unaccepted like a defective stone. You get everlasting intact emerald gemstones from Jewelfields, which can be sold with confidence as a reseller and you will guaranteed get more than satisfied with every purchase you make with us. We export emeralds worldwide to only gem dealers, suppliers and jewellers.

Select finished loose emerald stones from our website, where you can find all color shades, origin, gemstone sizes in good quality at best rates.


Pares y diseños de piedras preciosas de esmeralda natural

Jewelfields es un fabricante y proveedor de piedras preciosas de esmeralda certificadas sueltas reales en pares para aretes y arreglos para collares o pulseras. Ofrecemos pares de esmeraldas en todas las formas y cortes, como corte cojín, forma de pera, corte esmeralda u octágono, corte princesa, corte ovalado, etc., según disponibilidad. También forma de marqués para la elaboración de hojas en joyería como anillos o colgantes.
Tenemos esmeraldas y otras piedras preciosas de buena calidad a la venta al mejor precio mayorista.


Coppie e disegni di pietre preziose naturali di smeraldo

Jewelfields è un produttore e fornitore di autentici smeraldi certificati sfusi in paia per orecchini e composizioni per collane o bracciali. Forniamo coppie di smeraldi in tutte le forme e tagli come taglio a cuscino, forma a pera, taglio smeraldo o ottagonale, taglio principessa, taglio ovale ecc. in base alla disponibilità. Anche forma marchese per la realizzazione di foglie in gioielleria come anelli o pendenti.
Abbiamo smeraldi e altre pietre preziose di buona qualità in vendita al miglior prezzo all'ingrosso.