
Sapphire Origin vs Quality

Sapphire Gemstone Shop - Sri Lanka, Burma, Madagascar, Kashmir origin | Jewelfields

About sapphire stone mining regions and quality: In the ancient books like Ramayana we get the description of blue sapphire in Srilanka. Sapphires were used by royal crowns, rulers of pre history so by this we can estimate that sapphires were mined from eternal times in Sri Lanka and other origins like Burma. Here we discuss about different mining regions for sapphire gemstone.   

Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Pink Sapphire origins

About sapphire gem

Leading the group of precious gemstones, sapphire is the variety of corundum mineral containing aluminium oxide with minor traces of vandium, iron, titanium, chromium. The name sapphire signifies basically the blue color of the mineral corondum but they come in other fancy colors also as pink sapphire, green sapphire, yellow sapphire, colorless or white sapphire. The pinkish orange color in it is padparadscha and multi colors in one stone being parti sapphire. The lapidary sapphire stone is cut and polished to form a precious jewel and is worn in jewelry. The gemstone is mined in many regions on earth and comes in various qualities.

The red or deep pink color in corondum is classified as ruby. Ruby though being of the same mineral family has a difference in geological foundation as unlike sapphires rubies are found in marble deposits.

Sapphire Origins and Mines

Sapphire mines are scattered across the globe and almost all the deposits have various qualities of the rough stone. Sapphire and rubies are found in same geographies but usually with different geological formations for example the sapphire forms inside corundum syenites and rubies in marble. 

Some sapphire mines/regions have been advertised much for the quality for any specific type of sapphires by gem dealers but now the premium quality is found at many mining regions across the globe and buyers understand this.

Australian Sapphire

Australia is famous for its sapphire and diamond mining, the famous parti sapphires though not much demanded are mined here. Though the region have produced more of commercial grade stones but even some good quality lapidary sapphire is extracted here. Sapphire deposits are found in New england of south wales region and Anakie gem fields of Australia; most of the commercial grade sapphire in world is mined here and it was the largest producer of the stone before the discovery of Madagascar deposits. Parti sapphires are abundantly extracted in Australia.

Sapphires from Sri Lankan/Ceylon

Sri Lanks is a top producer of gem quality sapphires, some of the most famous sapphires have been found here. Elahera region produce fine quality lapidary gems also the recent found mines in Kataragama klippe in Katargama, Thammannawa have given gem quality sapphire and rubies the famous Ceylon blue sapphire is found in alluvial lands situated in highland complex areas of Sri Lanka.

Myanmar/Burma origin Sapphire

Around 670km from the capital of Burma lies the Mogok tract where top quality of Burmese sapphires are found. The major mines are Kyat Pyin at Kyauk Pyat,  Kyat Pyin, Kabaing, Chaung Gyee and Baw Mar mines which is a very recent one.

Kashmir Sapphire INDIA

Also known as Cashmere or Jammu sapphires, these are amongst the most rare blue sapphires of all because the crystal is fully matured and has the best considered cornflower blue color with ultimate brilliance in almost all the stones mined. Mines found here near year 1880 were almost depleted by year 1888, the mines were completly exhausted of the deposits after 1900 because of excessive mining there and demand of the stone, so the stone is now the most rare of the gemstones found on earth. The mines were in the region of Padarn which is situated in south Kashmir Zaskar valley near Sumjam.

Madagascar Islands Sapphires

These sapphires are famous for their crystalline quality and variation of colors. Clean sapphires in good quality are rare to find but this region provides good quality in good size.

Vicinity of Sakaraha region in southern Madagascar is an aggressive mining area now, the town after year 2000 have become a major trading center of sapphires in the world with all the population in area indulged in mining and trading of the gem. Bemainty is a more new mining area in north-east of the island country and is just 10 year old with even more deposites esimated.

Other mining areas on globe includes those of Montana in United States, Afghanistan, Kenya Africa, Nigeria, Thailand, Rawanda, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Malawi etc.

Sapphire shopping: Natural Earthmined Ceylon, Kashmir and Burmese sapphires for sale at best and lowest B2B prices at Jewelfields in all colors.

Jewelfields is a seller of faceted sapphires in free sizes, cabochons, finished beads, sapphire pairs and calibrated lots for jewelry.

Browse our inventory for best deals in finished loose blue sapphires, Pink sapphires, Natural unheated untreated Rubies, yellow sapphires. Get best deals in wholesale parcels of real sapphire cut and polished stones at one place.


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Sapphire stones / sapphire seller in India / Kashmir blue sapphire / Padparadscha sapphire / Sapphire manufacturer in Srilanka/ Yellow sapphire gemstone/ GIA and GRS certified sapphire / Unheated blue sapphire/ Untreated padparadscha sapphire