Home / Shop / Ruby

3.42ct GSI certificate purplish red oval cut African ruby


3.98ct GSI (USA) certified oval cut medium red ruby H


4.38ct certified glossy red oval cut African emerald


2.35ct GSI certified deep pinkish red oval cut Guiena origin ruby


4.44ct GSI certified oval mix cut unheated ruby gemstone


3.60ct GSI certified pinkish red oval cut unheated African ruby gem


5.28ct GSI certified oval shape African origin unheated ruby gemstone


2.55ct GSI certified lighter pinkish red octagon cut unheated ruby


5.42ct GSI (USA) certified pinkish red oval mix shape Ceylon ruby stone


4.92ct GSI certified bright red oval shape unheated African origin ruby gemstone


5.00 carat GSI certified deep maroon red oval cut African origin ruby


4.39ct GSI certified unheated oval shape African ruby stone


4.54ct GSI (USA) certified unheated oval ruby gemstone


4.12ct GSI certified natural unheated oval shape African origin ruby gem


1.40ct GSI certified natural unheated pinkish red oval African ruby gemstone


10.00ct natural unheated African origin ruby gemstone


12.83ct natural unheated oval mix cut Guinea origin ruby gemstone


4.96ct GSI certified unheated oval cut ruby gemstone


5.49ct GSI certified unheated roundish oval shape African ruby gemstone


5.76ct GSI certified unheated oval cut Mozambique ruby


Natural unheated oval cut Mozambique ruby gemstone


1.07ct unheated oval cut Mozambique ruby gemstone


1.30ct GSI certified oval cut unheated ruby gemstone


2.13ct GSI certified oval cut unheated deep purple red sapphire gem


Ruby Gemstone (Manik)

Ruby is the red-colored stone in the corundum mineral family. The rest of the colors of corundum are termed as sapphires like blue sapphire, pink sapphire or yellow sapphire, but if the major color is red on the body it is then called a ruby stone.


Difference between pink sapphire and ruby

The lighter color of ruby is a pink sapphire. Though there is no fixed globally ascertained line which distinguishes the color of ruby and pink sapphire or how much reddish colour there should be to make the pink sapphire stone go in the ruby stone category. What is seen in the certifications of globally recognized labs, like GIA, IGI or Gubelin and GRS is a visible red color should be there to qualify the corundum for being a ruby.

Purple red is another confusion where the gemologist needs to see properly the presence of visible red color for the corundum to be a purplish red ruby or it goes for a purple sapphire certificate if not much red is visible.

Chromium presence in corundum

Al2O3 is the mineral species corundum, which all sapphires belong to. The chromium present in corundum is responsible for the color. The amount of chromium present in a ruby is more than that in a pink sapphire, so that distinguishes a pink sapphire from a ruby. A pink sapphire can even be more color saturated and vibrant than some rubies, so they need to be differentiated on the basis of color, as pink is pink sapphire and for ruby the red color should be seen.


Ruby treatments | Heated and unheated rubies

Heat is the most common treatment in ruby gemstones. Where the ruby goes through a thermal enhancement process in a furnace in a controlled manner to enhance its appearance. Heat is a commonly accepted treatment in ruby gemstones. On the other hand, unheated and untreated ruby gems are those which are in their 100% original form as they were when extracted and just cut and polished to be beautiful gemstones with no alteration to their structure or flaws.


Ruby transparency and inclusions

The natural ruby in clear transparency is a very rare stone. Rubies generally come filled with inclusions, much more than any sapphire or emerald minerals found in their natural state. Even a 2-carat ruby which has a good red color is rare to be free of inclusion, so inclusions are accepted well in this precious gemstone.

Opaque rubies do not fall in the gem category and are very cheap, but if there is transparency and luster in the stone, it demands high prices irrespective of minor to moderate inclusions.

Buy certified natural unheated transparent rubies (manik stone) at Jewelfields

Jewelfields based in Jaipur INDIA is a global supplier of natural untreated ruby gemstone of Mozambic (South Africa) origin, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) origin, Burmese origin etc. We work on good quality earth mined original rubies with certification from reputed labs like IIGJ by GJEPC, IGI, GIA.

Good quality untreated transparent to translucent ruby gemstone range is available. Any damaged stone is repaired and then sold.

The pictures shown are nearest to what the actual gemstone will be, so what you see in the picture is the same stone you will receive, so buy with confidence from us.


Pietra preziosa rubino

Jewelfields è un fornitore all'ingrosso di pietre preziose di rubino naturale non trattate e non riscaldate. Disponiamo di un inventario di pietre preziose di rubino di buona qualità certificate e non certificate, come rubini sfaccettati di dimensioni libere, perle di rubino, cabochon di rubino, ecc. Le forme disponibili sono ottagonale, a cuscino, ovale, a pera, rotondo ecc. vari tagli.

Gemme di rubino certificate alle migliori tariffe aziendali

È disponibile la certificazione di tutte le pietre preziose da parte di rinomati laboratori come IGI, GIA, IIGJ (GJEPC).Lavoriamo rubini provenienti dal Mozambico, Birmania (Myanmar), Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Madagascar ecc.

I rubini da noi selezionati vengono selezionati in base alla chiarezza, alla lucentezza, al tipo d'inclusione (non ci saranno mai imperfezioni indesiderate o candore significativo nelle nostre pietre), la qualità del taglio e della lucidatura è sempre accertata e della forma corretta.

Poiché siamo produttori di pietre preziose sfuse, ti forniamo i migliori prezzi all'ingrosso e la migliore qualità anche per pietre preziose come Panjshir naturale, smeraldi zambiani e colombiani, zaffiri padparadscha, zaffiri gialli rosa e blu, tormaline, ecc.

gioielli con rubini / anello con rubini / rubino calibrato / pendente e collana con rubini / taglio brillante rotondo, taglio principessa, baguette di rubini / aste di gioielli con pietre preziose / Taglio cuscino, taglio ovale, taglio smeraldo ottagonale, rubino trilione.

Piedra preciosa de rubí natural

El rubí es la piedra de color rojo de la familia mineral del corindón. La gema se llama rey de las gemas y tiene un gran significado en astrología; es la piedra del planeta Sol. Ruby es una gema que se encuentra en las inclusiones más pesadas; por lo tanto, los rubíes de color rojo transparente y sin tratar son muy raros y costosos.

Jewelfields es un proveedor de piedras preciosas de rubí auténticas certificadas.

Obtenga ofertas al mejor precio en rubíes sueltos de buena calidad del principal distribuidor de gemas en línea de confianza. Vendemos piedras preciosas certificadas GIA, IGI, IIGJ y AGR sin calentar ni tratar, a menos que se indique un tratamiento que sea solo calor normal. Intentamos mantenernos alejados de los rubíes calientes.

Todas las formas y cortes en rubí están disponibles como talla cojín, talla esmeralda, talla ovalada, talla brillante redonda y forma de pera. Cabujones y cortes de pan de azúcar según disponibilidad.
Estamos basados ​​en Jaipur INDIA y realizamos envíos a España, México, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, etc.

Anillo de rubí / joyería de rubí / rubí calibrado / diseño de rubí / rubí suelto sin calentar / subastas de piedras preciosas.




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